Friday, September 5, 2014

Storing Vegetables for Winter

Vegetable gardens may close down for the winter in cold climates, but that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy the vegetables we grew. Many vegetables will keep for months in cold storage, if you can provide the right conditions. Choose your vegetables well, keep an eye on them through out the winter and don't be shy about using them. They won't last forever.

1. Store only fully mature vegetables. Immature fruits and vegetables will rot quickly. Hold off harvesting as long as possible, especially with root vegetables, that can withstand some frost.

2. Do not store vegetables that have been bruised or nicked or that show the slightest sign of rot. Be careful when handling them.

3. Remove all excess soil. Don't wash the vegetables, just let them dry and brush off the soil. You can wash them well before using them.

4. Thoroughly clean your storage area before each use.

5. Keep the storage area dark.

6. Do not expose stored vegetables to temperatures below freezing.

7. Check on your stored vegetables every week or two. Storage times are just approximations, since vegetables, temperatures and conditions can vary widely.

8. Use vegetables taken from cold storage as soon as possible. They will not last as long as they would if they had been freshly picked.

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